Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How to add and remove textbox items to listview in windows phone application

In this blog let us discuss about how to add and remove items to the list view in a Windows phone application. While we click on add button a popup with text box and two buttons (OK, CANCEL) should be displayed.  The text box items should be displayed in list view. When we click on remove button the selected item should be removed from the list.

  • Open Visual studio and start new windows phone app project.
  • Add controls like list view, buttons (Add, Remove), popup, text box to your design.

In the above image we can see the xaml code for the UI design of the particular controls. For a better UI the popup control is placed in a stack-panel and within a grid the controls like text box, buttons were placed.

So when we click on add button a popup should be raised with a textbox and two buttons(OK, Cancel). For this in the button click event of add we should write the below code

When we click on add button a popup with its controls will be displayed with the help of above code

After this when we write a particular text in textbox and click on OK the textbox item should be displayed in the list view. For this add the below code in Ok button click event in your popup control

So when we write something in textbox and click on OK the text will be displayed in the list view item.
The popup should be disappeared when we click on cancel button. For this, write the below code in the cancel button click event

To remove the selected item from the list view write the below code in the remove button click event.

The output is shown below. So while we click on OK the textbox item will be added in the listview. When we select particular item and click on remove then the item will be removed. When we click on cancel the popup disappears. 


Thursday, 27 August 2015

About some controls in Visual studio

In this blog let us discuss about some more controls in our windows store applications using Visual studio. As we already gone through with some of the controls like text block, text box, button, and image control. We also gone through with the events generated by using the control. You can refer these above controls in my previous blogs. Now we are going to get some knowledge about some of the controls like password box, date picker and timer picker in our windows store applications. 

Follow the below instructions in order to use these controls in your applications. 
  • Open Visual studio and start a new windows store blank application. 
  • We can drag and drop our required controls from the tool box directly to our UI design. 
  • Just drag and drop password box, date picker, timer picker in to the design. 
  • We can edit the names of these controls, layout and design properties of the control. 

The main use of password box is to hide the given input in the editor. This editor looks similar to the text box. This password box has the main feature of hiding the text and displaying the dots instead of text. You can also see these type of password inputs while we login in to some particular website. This is mainly to protect our secret key in order to maintain personal information. We can also say this password is used to authenticate our files. We can find Place holder text property in the property window of password box control. While we write some text in that particular text box the text is displayed in the password box. When we start editing our password box it disappears. So this place holder text is a hint to the user to instruct something required to the application. You can also see the example of this place holder text in the below image. 

So we are done with the password box. Now let us discuss about date picker and time picker. We mostly need these controls in our applications to represent the required date and time with respect to the application requirements. We can use this picker to choose the required date and time like birthdays. Now we try to display the selected date and time that should be displayed in the text block. So we should drag and drop our controls from our tool box when they are required. So after inserting two text blocks generate event for date and time. We should select date changed and time changed event to display the selected date and time. After generating events write the below code displayed in the image 

When you execute the above code you can see the below output. When you change the date and time in the control it reflects in the text block.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to insert image

Today let us discuss about the usage of image control in our store application. We already know about text block, text box and about a button. We generated particular events in order to access this control. So now we need to insert an image in to our Visual studio. This is done with the help of this image control. We should drag and drop this image control in to our tool and with some steps we can add this image in to this image control. After adding images we use use them in our applications in our application.


When we drag and drop our image control we can see the rectangle box. This is nothing but we can insert some elements in this control. We can see this type of empty rectangular box to other control. It refers to add some elements to that particular control. 

To add a image to our project just go through the below steps.                                 


  • Start your Visual studio tool from start menu.
  • Open a new project and it should be windows store application with a blank application
  • In order to insert a image we should drag and drop an image control in to our design.
  • Edit the properties of the image control in properties window. Give a name to the particular image control in order to access this control in code behind file.


To insert an image first we should add this image to our Visual studio. For this open your solution explorer and right click on Assets folder. Then select Add option then click on Add existing item. You can browse your file from your local storage and then click on Add. You can also add multiple files in to your Assets folder and you can access them in code.


After adding image go back to the properties of image control and you can find source in common tab. When you click on drop down list of source you can see the image file included in the Assets folder. Select the required image and press enter.
You can also change the stretch properties of the particular image. The changes directly effects in the design.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Page navigation

Today let us discuss how to navigate from one page to the other page. To navigate from the page it is nothing but we should perform some specific action. We can do this by generating an event. We can generate an event with some particular control. So while we assign an event to the control the page should be navigated. For this we need a control in order to perform some action and we also need a new page. We can do this task with the help of a button. The default event of button is click. So while we click on the button the page should be navigated from one page to the other page. For this we need a button and a new page. 

  • Open visual studio and create a new blank application.
  • Drag and drop a button and edit the contents in property window.
  • To add a new page to your application just click on solution explorer window and right click on your project name. 
  • Select add option and click on add new item After clicking on add new item a page with list of templates can be seen. 
  • We can select any kind of template regarding your application. 
  • Simply select blank page and you can also edit the name of your new page. 
  • In your tool you can see new page with a blank design page. 

To navigate from mainpage to the blank page generate an event to the button by clicking on event symbol in properties window. It navigates to the code behind file. 
In your button click event add the below code 

this.frame.navigate(type of(Blankpage1)); 


Here in the above code this frame(mainpage) is navigated to the other page, the page type is Blank page. Execute the code and when you click on button the page is navigated from main page to blank page. 

Monday, 24 August 2015

Button click event

We already discussed  how to dspaly the text written in the textbox to the We created default event for the textbox in order to display the text. Now let us discuss about button control

It is mainly used to communicate in the application. When we use button event  it is to performs other actions in the user interface. The default button control event is click. When we generate click event it is nothing but with the help of mouse button we should perform the action. We can also set different properties to the button. While you change the layout in your design it reflects in your XAML code. To change the color of the button it can be done in properties window. Similar to the textbox and textblock we can edit the whole properties of the button control.

In my recent blog we displayed the input text given from textbox to textblock.In the same way when I click the button the text should be displayed in the textblock. It is simple. Just go through with the below steps.

Go through with the design of  button, textbox and textblock

  • Open visual studio and create new project
  • Add the controls required to the design. Here we need one button, textbox and a textblock
  • We can edit the properties by pressing F4 with respect to the control. Please give a name to the control so that you can access the control in code behind file.

To generate click event for a button go to the properties of the button. Press on thunder symbol and double click on click event. It navigates to the code behind file. 

In the button click event just add the similar code which is used to display the text written in textbox to the textblock


Note : Just check your names of the controls before you compiling the code.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

To display the text in the text block.

Let us discuss how to display the text in the text block when the input given in text box

As we already know the textbox is to input some text. We can edit our text in the textbox. we can also pass our text written in textbox. As we know the name and text can also be edited in properties window. This was discussed in the previous blog. We can also edit the properties and change the default values in the properties window. The name assigned for the textbox is mainly used in the code behind file. With this particular name we can manage functionalities of the particular control. 

For example : If you assign a name of your textbox as textinput. We should use the name of the textbox in the code behind file. in this way every control has name property. We should enter name of the control in order to access in the code behind file.

  • Open Visual studio from start menu
  • Start new project and select windows store applications in C# tab.
  • We can also edit the name and location of the particular project. To do this just click on browse and select the desired location.
  • After selecting particular project open the solution explorer in order to open the designer page.
  • Click on MainPage.XAML as it is the root page of the application in your project.
  • To display the text in the textblock we need two controls. They are textbox and textblock.
  • Just drag and drop these controls to your designer 

You should edit the name of your controls in properties window. In order to display the text written in textbox we should generate an event. Press on thunder symbol in your properties window or else you can just double click on your textbox control. When you double click on your control it navigates to the Mainpage.XAML.CS page which is nothing but the code behind file. You can see the below text while you double click on your textbox control. The default event of text box is textchanged.

This event can also be generated in your properties window. Click on thunder symbol and you can see the list of the events of the particular control. In order to display the text written in textbox we should generate textchanged event in the list. Just place your cursor and you can directly double click on the empty box else you can add some text and double click with your mouse.

In between the braces you should enter some code in order to display your text in text block.

blockoutput.Text = textinput.Text; //To display the text written in textbox

Note : The name of my text block is blockoutput


Friday, 21 August 2015

Diseases - Be careful

The disease is a harmful condition mainly affects the organisms of the living things. Humans also get effected with diseases and in the same time animals, trees also be effected with the diseases. It is an abnormal condition of a particular part of our body resulting from various causes and reasons. in early days the people don't even know what are diseases. The people in that days used to stay in a situation with out any hospital. Because the food habits and the way of living made it possible. The people in less number get effected with diseases. Some people even treat the person effected with disease with out any knowledge of science and the treatment got successful. This is because in that days the people lived with out using technology. So they survived for many years compared to the present situation.

Every disease has a cause. A disease can be a virus, bacteria, fungi, and worms. These tiny organisms mainly affects our cells in our body. Our human body can fight upto some extent with these small bacteria. If these virus has good strength even our body can't fight against the virus. This makes the person to fall ill. The virus spreads in our body. After certain medicine if the virus get killed then we regain our activeness. Until then we should struggle.  These diseases can be infectious and non infectious. Infectious is nothing but it spreads or transfers from one organism to another organism. Some of the infectious diseases are cold, cough, rabies, chicken pox etc. Non infectious is quite opposite of the infectious disease. It cannot be spread or transferred from one organism to the other. Examples of this non infectious diseases are diabetes,cancer, asthma etc. 

We should be careful with this infectious diseases because it can be passed or spread from different ways. While we talk with the person closely while he is affected with cold there is a chance of being effected with the same disease. Before we get affected with diseases we can find some symptoms. A symptom is something the patient who effected with the disease, that person can detect it. In our universe there are many uncountable diseases exist. Most of them are curable. Some of them are not curable. Doctors can't even find a perfect medicine to that particular diseases. Every disease has its own symptoms and signs in order to identify the disease. Mostly doctors find the diseases based on the signs, cause and symptoms of the individual. When a person is affected with diseases his body doesn't co-operates for any kind of action. He/She remains ill until the disease get cured..

Deficiency in diet also cause diseases. They can be cured by having proper diet and good exercise. The people also should take proper precautions in order to get rid of the disease. Diseases can be of many types. They are caused for many reasons. But all are harmful and dangerous. They lead to illness and sickness. Because of this technology increasing of diseases started. Radiation, pollution, heavy population, improper sanitation are some of the causes of diseases. The people mostly keep faith on doctors until the disease get cured. Even hospitals earn huge profits because number of patients also increased. Proper health and diet with good exercise can keep a man healthy.

Start using Visual studio

Today let us discuss about a sample project in order to display the text written in text box
  • Open your visual studio from the start menu
  • Create new project with your desired project name.
  • In order to design your project open MainPage.Xaml page. Just open solution explorer tab and double click on main page. As you know Main page is the root page of the project. The execution of the app starts from this page.
  • After a double click on main page we can see a designer page with black color. It is a grid and we can also change the color of our grid. This grid is also one of the control of windows runtime application.

So our task is to display the text when we input our text in textbox. This is done in the following way.

In order to display our text we need two controls.
  • Textbox - This control is mainly used to input text or to edit our text. We can also write multiple line in this textbox
  • Text block - It is mainly used to display text. We cannot edit text while we place text block in your design

We can drag and drop these controls to our design if not we can just add controls using XAML code. In down under the design we can find this XAML file. After adding controls to our design we change edit/modify the names and properties of the particular control. Press F4 to access the properties of the particular control.


The highlighted textbox is the control we can drag & drop to the design. In the above image we can see how to change the name of the control. We can directly add our text in textbox with the help of properties. In the Text property when we write the text & press enter, the change is reflected in the designer. The name assigned in the properties can be used in the code behind file.

In the above diagram we can see how to increase the font size of the text block control. The highlighted text is the XAML code. When we drag and drop our control it automatically generates XAML code. This is the advantage of Visual Studio tool. The change is reflected in the designer. Observe the things carefully.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Spring - A pleasant and delighted season

Spring season starts after winter and before summer. It begins from the middle of February and completes in the middle of April. It is the best season of the year. Most of the people are fond of this season. They enjoy a lot with good and pleasant climate.  Spring is neither hot nor cold. It is very delightful. It is good for health. While we walk in the morning we feel very happy and our mind goes pleasant. We can say that this spring season is the favorite season of poets. Because they describe very nicely in their poems about this spring season. This season is called the queen of all seasons. Day and night both become very pleasant and cool. Days and nights become almost same length, neither too short nor too long.  Sky looks very clear and wind becomes very cool and refreshing.

The people mostly like this spring season because in this season the climate will be very pleasant. The temperature in this season remains constant. In spring, the trees bring new leaves on their branches. Spring is the season of joy and happiness for all the living beings like tree, plants, flowers, animals, birds, human beings, etc because it is neither hot nor cold. Many new variety of flowers grow in this season because of the pleasant climate. We can see pleasant nature when fields grow new grass and the entire nature becomes green and it looks fresh. This makes the main difference between the rest of other seasons.Only in this spring season we can see crops fully ripen with fruits and flowers. The farmers also feel happy if the fields grow within the time. 

We should face problems even in this spring season. As it is the end of winter season and start of summer season, it is the more sensitive season to the health. We should not neglect our health.  Small pox, chicken pox and measles are quite common in this season. So the people should be very careful in this season too. We have a saying in English "Prevention is better than cure". So we should take some precautions in order to get rid of this diseases in this season. 

Spring season is very delighted and a pleasant season. In winter season we face very cool weather. We cannot even survive in some of the regions of northern hemisphere because of less temperatures. Even some people die due to low temperatures in some regions. They can't tackle the cool weather so lot of issues happens in this season. Coming to the summer season it is quite opposite to winter season. We should face very high temperature in this season. The people face many difficulties during this season.  They should take care of their health particularly in this season.  In rainy season we feel bad because of dirty and muddy roads because of rainfall. The only season with less complaints is spring season.

Intro to Visual studio

Today let use discuss about a sample application. In our application we can include many controls from our toolbox. While we add these elements we can edit the properties of that particular control and we can also generate events to that control
First let us discuss about properties and events with respect to control.
Properties of a particular control is available to describe a control. It depends upon the user to edit some particular control. It can be done in the following ways.
  • On the main menu, you can click View -> Properties Window
  • On the grid, you can right-click anything (either the grid itself or any control positioned on it) and click Properties
  • The shortcut to display the Properties window is F4

Events of the controls is the action or event generated by the particular control at runtime. Most of the controls have default event.
  • In properties window we can see thunder symbol and when we click on this symbol we can generate events according to the applications
Just double click or write the name of the event and press enter. This takes directly to the code behind file or .cs file where you can include the whole functionalities and logical operations.
To build our application move your cursor to Build option and click on Build option. It compiles code file which are changed. Build solution only builds those projects which have changed in the solution, and does not affect assemblies that have not changed. Assemblies are nothing but the code generated after successful compilation.

After Building our application we can run or deploy our application by clicking on local machine with green color play symbol and run the app. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

About Visual Studio tool

In this blog let us discuss about the visual studio with some simple examples for windows store applications.

Visual studio is a IDE which is used to build, create and deploy different kinds of applications like windows forms, WPF, web forms, Console applications and many more. This visual studio tool is developed by Microsoft which supports different languages. Most of the developers use some of the languages to develop applications. Some of them are Visual C#,, F#, managed C++ etc. We use dot net framework from the earlier 2.0 stable version to the current 4.5 version particularly in Visual studio 2013.  

Tools required to develop applications using Visual studio 2013 are
  • Windows 8.1(This operating system is necessary to develop particularly windows store and windows phone applications)
  • Visual studio 2013 Community edition/academy edition tool (We can also include Blend and Phone emulators during installation)

After installation start new project and rename it. We can also browse our desired location to save our project files

In this above diagram we can see how to add a new project. We should particularly select the language before you select the type of application. After selecting the language we should select the type of application to be developed. We can see many templates in the dialog box. These templates are used to develop the applications similarly but it only differs in theme. We can also change the name of our application. We can change the directory of our project files by clicking on browse button.
In Solution explorer we can see the files with respect to our project.
Our main page, code behind file, App.xaml.cs, Assets, and we can also see package.appmanifest files in our solution explorer.

In this App.xaml.cs page is already predefined with some code by developer. It is the code behind file for App. Xaml page. Every application consist of one xaml page and one .cs page where we can include all functionalities of the app. These both files together makes a complete module of one page. It also contains a constructor that calls InitializeComponents() method.  No need of declaring this initialize component, we can find it in every page.

In Mainpage.xaml we can design our user interface of our app. The tools from the toolbox also can be added directly to our UI. We can also add these tools in xaml code. Mainpage.xaml.cs is the file that contains the functionalities and attribute values where we can add event handlers and we can implement methods.

Winter season - We can feel fresh

Winter season starts when the earth hemisphere moves away from the sun. When it is winter in northern hemisphere the southern hemisphere faces sun and the temperature will be different from the northern hemisphere. It will be slightly more compared to southern hemisphere. In winter season we face  very less temperatures. This winter season starts from the month of November in India.  In winter season the atmosphere and sky looks clear. The cool air blows all the time in this season. In some areas when the temperature decreases we can see snow fall in such regions. The roads of that region get blocked because of this snow dumps. This trouble the people traveling from one place to another place. The government of that region undertake this problem by placing a vehicle to remove all the snow dumps. The vehicle is attached with a machine that removes the snow while it moves along the road.

The poor people face lot of issues with this winter season. The people should bear the low temperatures in winter seasons. The people like to sit near to the fire because of the cool weather. Most of them like to be in daylight rather than sitting in home. Some people even faced death due to the low freezing temperatures. They should be very careful while facing this low temperatures particularly in cool areas. People also should wear protective clothing and accessories like shoes, jackets, woolen material which makes our body warm.

Photography from Google

These ice crystals are formed due to air with little amount of moisture from the mixture of cool weather on the surface area.. These type of ice crystals and snow are mostly seen in  northern hemisphere compare to southern hemisphere because in northern hemisphere we have large scale of land masses whereas in northern hemisphere it is bit less. The people make lot of fun with the ice crystals. Even kids play in snow. When the weather decreases to low temperatures we should not survive in that particular area.


The winter season in  north India maintains very low temperatures and in some regions of South India  we can see normal temperatures. This is because of Himalayas and mountains in that particular north region. The people in India  make income in different ways. They sell items which are helpful to keep our body warm. People also buy those things which are necessary to use in winter season. Winter season has its own importance. It is very useful for health. People like to walk in the morning. They find fresh air to breathe in. In summer we cannot work for  a long time. But in winter we can work for hours and hours. We do not get tired easily. There is no problem of mosquitoes in this season. People do not fall ill as they do in summer. This season is also very important for farmers 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Summer - very hot...

The summer season start between spring and autumn every year. It will be around March to May. Some people don't like this season. At summer the days are longest and nights are shortest. But kids like this summer season because they get holidays in this season. Even the schools are not interested to continue their classes because of this high temperature. In this summer season we can see the increase of temperature. It gradually increases from the initial point and it increases to the high temperature. The people can't even stay in their home because of this temperature. So they go to different tourist spots in order to get rid of this season. And they mostly choose cool areas and hilly areas to enjoy their moments.

In this summer season some people also try to earn income by investing in different ways. Mostly people prefer liquid stuff because while we go on work or tend to be in heat our mouth becomes dry. This is because of the high temperature. So while we drink some liquid beverages we can feel better. In summer season we should maintain a proper diet and we should not neglect our health. Even people will die because of this heat. So the government also takes some steps and implements some activities to face this temperatures. They provide drinking water in most of the areas where people survive more. They also make the people to overcome the problems while we face high temperature. Because of this high temperatures our body will get tired very quickly when we work in hot areas. So people should follow some precautions to minimize the risk factors that affect our body and even this leads to death.

Sometimes the temperature gradually decreases and the climate will be very comfortable. This is because of the clouds. We can also see rainfall in some regions. This is due to the evaporation of water. While we face this kind of situation particularly in summer season we feel very happy and satisfied with the climate but this won't be for the long time. Some people not even go outside because of this high temperatures. This is necessary to drink water heavily in this summer season. Because the loss of water in our body leads to lot of diseases. We should not travel in summer season particularly in the sunny days. This would surely trouble your body.

The best way to get rid of this season is by travelling from the high temperatures to the cool areas. Some people even wait for the completion of this summer season. In their homes they prefer coolers and air conditioners to feel comfortable with this summer season. We can also see power cuts in some areas because of the lack of water resources. We generate electricity through water. Converting of mechanical energy in to electrical energy we can produce current from water. Due to high temperatures the water will be evaporated and this makes complex to generate power. So in order to overcome this issue solar energy is used to generate powers. With the help of solar panels we store the energy and use them.

The farmers mainly effects because of this season. They mainly depends on rainfall but because of this high temperatures we cannot have rainfalls. So the people stop farming the crop and choose other way to earn income. So when summer starts in one region the climate would be different in other region. For example in India the summer starts from the March. But it is different in other areas.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Discussion on rainy season

Most of the people mainly benefit in this season and most of the people even die because of this season.. This is because the rainfall is the main source of income to some people who intend their life's to farming. The procedure of farming particularly involves water. With out water the crop cannot be grown. The people who can invest their money in buying motors for their crop doesn't bother about rainfall. But some people mainly depends on rainfall because they cannot afford the amount to buy those equipment. So the rainfall is must and mandatory for a poor farmer.  but when things and situations changes according to nature the climate  doesn't support the nature. This leads to drain the land.

Heavy rainfall is very harmful while the continuous rainfall even washes the cities. In common terminology we can say it as thoofan. Because of this thoofan the rainfall will be continuous and people struggle even to survive. While the region struck with the thoofan most of the people will die and property will get damaged. In another case the region with effect of tsunami, it leads to the death of people and we cannot see even single man surviving after the completion of  tsunami effect. This happens mostly in the coastal areas. The weather broadcast department can predict the arrival of tsunami. Most of the time government try to rescue the people but they fail. 

Most of the time the world depends upon this rainy season. In this rainy season the average rainfall should be maintained constantly throughout the season. If not lot of problems should face by the people. When nature is not comfort with the climate it effects the rainfall and leads to loss finally to the people. Some families mainly depends on the rain falls. The rainfalls should be limited and neutral throughout the season. Heavy rainfall leads to floods which damages the crop. Lack of rainfall also leads to dry land. So most people even pray to gods for good rainfall. This rain water is directly sent in to the dams and reservoirs which are used for irrigation.

Some times these rainfall also leads to evolve some of the unknown diseases. This is because of the improper and lack of sustainable development of the areas. Even now we can see bad infrastructure in major cities. The drainage system is not perfectly maintained by the government. The water from drainage directly flows on the road. This leads to lot of the unknown diseases to the people. So the government also should feel responsible to maintain good and proper drainage system in order to maintain good and clean cities.

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Our earth axis of rotation is being tilted, this is nothing but the cause of seasons. These seasons are divided in the year. While earth completes its rotation in one year i.e 365 days. So after completing the whole rotation again it regains the seasons. We can find number of seasons in a year. Some of them are Summer, Winter, Rainy etc


The people are habituated to the seasons.  Seasonal changes makes the climate pleasant. Change is the essence of life. Seasonal changes makes lot of different in every aspect. Some times this change effects a lot in our life. There are many live examples because of the changes of the climate. The season is directly proportional to the climate. Change in season is nothing but change in climate. This varies from region to region.

We can see the changes in climate from one country to the other country. While climate in India is cool if may be hot in other country. This is because of the rotation of earth.  It revolves around the Sun and around its orbit. This is the main reason for the seasonal changes. Most of the time Seasonal changes happens perfectly from time to time. This changes also effects with some of the diseases. Some people cannot handle the changes occurs due to season. If the weather changes from hot to cool it makes lot of difference in some people. Some of the disease mainly occurs in rainy season. Because the flow of rainy water from one place to other in some areas without proper infrastructure causes diseases.

In summer season most of the people die due to heat. The temperature gradually increases to very high particularly in this summer season. Proper precautions should be taken to get rid of this season. We already know about rainy season. Some times it makes people happy and some times it destroys the beliefs of people. In rainy season the rainfall should be constant or neutral. The heavy rains causes lot of damage and simultaneously with out rains people can't survive

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Communication era...

In good olden days people don't know how to communicate with each other. They struggled a lot to find ways for communication. With the help of birds they used to communicate. But communicating with help of bird is not possible every time. We can see these kind of communication in olden movies. A king tries to send a message with help of bird to his princess. But it is not possible every time to use a bird for communication. So only few people used birds to send and receive messages. Sometimes this procedure worked. But most of the time it's a failure. Because we cannot guarantee or trust a bird for sending the message. The message can either reach the destination or it doesn't work sometimes.


Considering this concept some people invented this post office mechanism. In place of bird a person travels from source to destination to carry all the messages from the people. So this mechanism had been implemented by the people from the past and even now most of the people use post office to send and receive messages. In terms of post office we can call a message as post. We can send different kinds of posts with respect to post office.


With the help of stamp attached to a letter we can post our letter to the recipient. We can also send our post to different countries. It only varies in cost. There are different types to send our post with respect to post office. Some of them are register post, courier service, speed post etc. These services are used to send our post with in less time. We can also send parcels limited to some weight to the recipients. We can see post office in every cities, towns and many rural places. We can post any kind of messages except media through post. This post office were mostly used from the good olden days and this mechanism was successfully implemented from past. People also got employment with this post offices.

But at the present situation most of the people  not willing to prefer post office to send post. As technology made lot of changes with help of science it changed alot.  Many devices are invented to communicate with each other. We already know about telephones which made a revolution in past. With help of telephones we can communicate with each other in time. We can complete our communication in less time with help of telephones.


Even technology improved a lot and even more devices replaced telephones. Mobile phones conquered the place of telephones. Internet communication was also implemented to communicate between devices. Wireless technology was implemented in place of wired technology regarding to communication. Mobile phones are also upgraded to smart phones. Not only communications done with this smart devices but we can also send multimedia messages. 

So from the good olden days we saw different ways to send and receive messages/post. Starting with a bird this communication is done wireless. I think this technology won't stop here. It goes on upgrading and updating new tech world and support to the end users.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Hyderabad - City of Colors

City of colors. One of the busiest cities in India. Many famous and historical places gave pride to this city. Most people stay in this city mainly to earn income. Some of them here to study. Some of them for their jobs. This city doesn't consist of single religion or a single cast. We can see different types of people, culture, environment etc in this city. Most of the time it would be heavy with traffic. The people move from one place to the other daily. To accomplish their task they struggle a lot with this traffic. Many famous places earn huge profits for the tourism. The name of the city is Hyderabad.
Hyderabad is the capital city of Andhra Pradesh and to Telangana. This capital would be both for 10 years. Hyderabad is one of the busiest city in our country India. There are many places to visit in this city. Hyderabad also consist of an express highway which is the biggest fly over in Asia. It also holds one international airport and many people travel around the world through this airport. Hyderabad is mostly famous for biryani. People in different regions like to eat hydrabadi biryani most of the time.

Tomb of Abdullah Qutb Shah, the former ruler of Hyderabad

There are many places to visit in Hyderabad. Some of the historical places in Hyderabad are Charminar, Golconda, Museum,  tank bund with Buddha statue. This Buddha statue is surrounded by the river Musi. The water flow around the city and also to the outskirts of this city. Hyderabad also consist of some of the most important places to visit. Some of the tourist places where we can find some fun and entertainment are zoo park, public gardens and many other  parks. Many other places makes Hyderabad to visit many times.

City panorama showing gardens, clean roads and modern office buildings

Hyderabad also consist of an IT park with many major companies. Some of the companies like Microsoft, Dell, IBM, Infosys etc located in this city. This IT industry made a great opportunities for employment in this city. the climate of Hyderabad may vary respect to the seasonal changes. The government approved for the construction of metro railways in the city. Already the work of this metro was started and after this completion of the project we can see less traffic. As it is a city with many areas pollution in this city is also very high. Government  also trying to reduce the pollution by bringing awareness to people. We can reduce pollution by planting trees. everyone should feel responsible for pollution.